Brave Each Day
I must be brave each day even when I feel like harming myself.
I must be brave each day and have great hope that I’ll meet good people.
I must be brave each day and not let people’s ill intentions tear me up.
I must be brave each day even when there’s no promise that the day ahead will be a good day all the way through.
I must be brave each day even when there’s no guarantee that no one will swear at me.
I must be brave each day as I continue to live with mentally decapitating individuals.
I must be brave each day and walk on streets that I can never be sure are safe.
I must be brave each day and understand that there’s a chance that I may not get everything I want from a shop.
I must be brave each day and understand that when someone is rude to me, it’s possible that that person may have a low-esteem problem.
I must be brave each day and deal with jealous people.
I must be brave each day be stronger than the taunts and name-calling aimed at me.
I must be brave each day and finish all my required tasks to the best of my ability.
I must be brave each day and stand taller than false assumptions and judgments.