Member-only story
Less Than a Size Eight
Being thin or fit with nicely conditioned
hair and clear skin doesn’t make
it easier for one to find love.
Being pretty isn’t a deterrent to being mistreated.
There are many that are turned
on by ruining someone’s physical
beauty, even to the point of disabling the person for life.
Having nice clothes and a great career don’t necessarily keep
men who don’t mean well away.
There is no need to wish to be less than a size 8.
Having hair that grows fast,
being tall, and having features that are well-
proportioned are not precautionary
measures against domestic
violence and harassing emails, texts and calls.
I can’t stress enough about how having tanned
skin and nice teeth don’t mean anything.
I have never perceived any woman with a healthier
body as being more likely to meet ‘the right men’.