The Lady and the Koala Bear
“Hello, koala bear.
You’re my best friend.
My only friend,” said
the lady.
A lady and a stuffed
koala bear?
“Do you want to eat
something, Koalie?”
The lady kissed
the koala bear.
“Or, do you want
to watch the cars outside?”
She went to the mall
parking lost,
sat on the sidewalk
and lifted the koala
up by her armpits.
“You are my baby girl.
My daughter.”
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned to the left side
of me and there was a man.
He had glasses, a large
bald spot, and some black
hair. He was a tortoise-
looking person.
“That is my wife,” he said,
“She can’t have any babies.
I sometimes think it was a mistake
for me to buy that thing for her,
but she wanted a child
and the koala was what she chose.”
A lady and a stuffed koala.
Now it made a lot of sense.