
Deborah Kristina
1 min readJun 15, 2018
Photo Credit: SnorgTees

Repetition is a consistent pattern

that reminds me too much

of pointless armies preparing

to kill off their own across boundaries,

across seas.


contains all the untitled colors

to smear armies into laughter -

into jokes — because then they

would be reminded that they have

different faces that behold life stories



doesn’t make things dangerously

the same to make a story

nor screams poems that imitate each other

as this doesn’t create real stories at all,

but monotonous imitations that eventually become

one voice louder, louder, louder

that my brain cells may bleed

and go pop! pop! pop!


a backup plan of mine to cure myself

from sameness.

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Thank you for reading. Peace.



Deborah Kristina

Author of ‘A Girl All Alone Somewhere in the World’, ‘Confessions and Thoughts of a Girl in Turkey’, ‘From Just a Girl Grown Up in America’. (