What I Wish Every Man and Woman Are Like With Each Other in Marriage

Deborah Kristina
3 min readJan 18, 2017

I was born and raised in a household living with a mother who has always said that relationships should be 50/50. What does this mean? It means that the quality of life that husbands and wives experience together is at its highest when they cooperate in doing all of the same work that needs to be done on a daily basis, to ensure survival.

My mother has always made a lot more money than my father since she immigrated to the US in 1985. She has worked herself to the bone since she first started to walk. My father loves to cook so he has always done most of the cooking at home. He has always done the laundry. My parents have worked together the best they could in order to get things done.

It’s not fair for men to be the sole providers in the family and it’s not fair for women to be the only ones taking care of the home. Quite often, it’s inevitable for men to resent their wives for not taking part in earning money for the family and for women to not get any help with household chores at home. This creates resentment.

Men and women can do the same things; they have the same abilities to do any activity that exists in the world and if men and women are encouraged to work together while understanding that everyone can only work together as best as they can at their own pace, then life would certainly be better for both men and women.

If people continue to stress the differences between men and women instead of the similarities (which they actually have more than differences) then life will continue to be unjust for men and women.

Human beings are the only living things that aren’t limited to certain abilities at birth. Human beings are also the only living things that aren’t limited to being able to only live in one certain environment. Human beings are the only creatures that can learn a wide range of abilities.

Having different reproductive organs don’t make a difference in men’s and women’s interests, in how they think and feel, and in what they can do.

I’ve always simply believed that men and women are human beings that are meant to work together on everything.

I’m stating this based on my own experiences from living in this world.

To limit women to being domestic workers and men to being the sole providers in the family is to hinder human beings’ full potential, it’s to hinder their education, it’s to create less mentally and physically healthy bodies.

There’s simply no gender in my eyes on any kind of work or activity. If people continue to see things in terms of ‘gender’ instead of in terms of what people simply want to do and feel is right and that is strongly part of their identities, then there can never be happiness.

To say that women are ‘naturally’ mothers and are ‘meant’ to do everything home-related and to say that men are ‘naturally’ providers is to suggest that human beings are machines, that we aren’t the most advanced, most progressive species in the world. We are an innovative species; we are made to always want more, to always wonder, to think.

Human beings aren’t meant to be controlled in terms of ‘gender’. In this day and age, in particular, with people knowing so much more than before, with much, much more access to information and activities than ever before, people need to start a serious discussion on how assigning/dividing tasks based on gender just doesn’t make sense; doesn’t do justice on what humans can fully do.

I stand for the right to be a full human being on my own terms — on anyone’s own terms as they see fit for their individual selves.



Deborah Kristina

Author of ‘A Girl All Alone Somewhere in the World’, ‘Confessions and Thoughts of a Girl in Turkey’, ‘From Just a Girl Grown Up in America’. (Amazon.com)